The end of the church year is now completed with Sunday, November 26th, as Christ the King Sunday. We seem to be seeing prophecy unfold in our world today, and it is not a coincidence. The events that have transpired in Israel in the past several weeks should force us to our knees to pray that Christ will come soon! Signs of the times are everywhere…
In the liturgy for this last Sunday of the church year, Psalm 100 provides an interesting contrast to world events. In this Psalm, we are commanded to make a joyful noise to the Creator, to serve Him gladly, to enter His presence with songs of joy! How is it possible to give thanks when people are being slaughtered? How can we express any joy where there is grieving for those who have been lost? Where is the comfort?
It is through God’s sovereignty and our trust in Him that we can both grieve and give thanks. Those who are truly committed to placing their trust in God daily can then give thanks for His constant abiding. He who watches over Israel never slumbers nor sleeps (Psalm 121:3). God is totally in control of world events. He alone holds the authority to orchestrate the outcome. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore (Psalm 125:2). Rejoice! God wins!
A new cycle, the cycle of LIGHT, begins this year on December 3. This is the season of ADVENT. I have written quite a bit in the past on Advent and made several videos. I recently completed a devotional booklet for use at home in family groups or any small group. The booklets can be purchased on my website here if you are interested in obtaining copies.
During the week of Thanksgiving, may we reflect on the goodness of God. His unfailing love, and may our trust in Him increase. Please pray with me that those in Israel will find strength and comfort in the words of scripture. Pray also because there is a growing interest in Israel to know this Christ as their Messiah. Pray for those who on the ground doing relief work to aid those who have been displaced, lost family members, and friends. Speak to your family as you gather around the Thanksgiving table that you know the One who can save and who will use all for His glory and to bring His children to the safety of His shelter (Psalm 91:4).
Shalom! Maranatha!
P.S. There is still time to contribute to the relief effort in Israel. I am trying to raise $1000 towards this project. Please join in contributing any amount.